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The Problem:

Malware (short for “malicious software”) is a file or code, typically delivered over a network, that infects, explores, steals or conducts virtually any behavior an attacker wants.

Is malware is a virus?
Often used interchangeably, the terms malware and virus have two distinct meanings. Malware, or malicious software, is an overarching term used to describe any program or code that is created with the intent to do harm to a computer, network or server. A virus, on the other hand, is a type of malware.

The Most Common Types of Malware Attacks

1) Adware. Adware serves unwanted or malicious advertising.

2) Fileless Malware - a type of malicious software that uses legitimate programs to infect a computer. It does not rely on files and leaves no footprint, making it challenging to detect and remove

3) Viruses - a type of malware that attaches to another program (like a document), which can replicate and spread after a person first runs it on their system. For instance, you could receive an email with a malicious attachment, open the file unknowingly, and then the computer virus runs on your computer. Viruses are harmful and can destroy data, slow down system resources, and log keystrokes.

4) Worms - are not viruses, though the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Even worse, the terms are sometimes used together in a strange and contradictory word salad; i.e. a “worm virus malware.” It’s either a worm or a virus, but it can’t be both, because worms and viruses refer to two similar but different threats. As mentioned earlier, a virus needs a host system to replicate and some sort of action from a user to spread from one system to the next. A worm, conversely, doesn’t need a host system and is capable of spreading across a network and any systems connected to the network without user action. Once on a system, worms are known to drop malware (often ransomware) or open a backdoor.

5) Trojans - is a computer program pretending to be something it’s not for the purposes of sneaking onto your computer and delivering some sort of malware. To put it another way, if a virus disguises itself then it’s a Trojan. A Trojan could be a seemingly benign file downloaded off the web or a Word doc attached to an email. Think that movie you downloaded from your favorite P2P sharing site is safe? What about that “important” tax document from your accountant? Think twice, because they could contain a virus.

6) Bots - is an automated piece of software that performs predefined assignments, usually over a network. We use bots for the same reason we use machines in factories: efficiency. A bot can perform monotonous responsibilities quicker and better than a human being over a long period. They are so useful that some estimates indicate that over 50% of web traffic is just bots doing tasks - Google

7) Ransomware - can be a virus. Does the virus prevent victims from accessing their system or personal files and demands ransom payment in order to regain access à la ransomware? If so, then it’s a ransomware virus. In fact, the very first ransomware was a virus (more on that later). Nowadays, most ransomware comes as a result of computer worm, capable of spreading from one system to the next and across networks without user action.

8) Spyware - collects your personal information and gathers data about you without your consent. Viruses are a type of malicious software designed to spread from your device to other devices.

9) Rookit - are not viruses. A rootkit is a software package designed to give attackers “root” access or admin access to a given system. Crucially, rootkits cannot self-replicate and don’t spread across systems.